Our Valuation Tool is your dealership's car-buying funnel, allowing you to manage your purchase leads.
Leveraging industry expertise and data-driven insights, we have identified recurring inconsistencies in traditional trade-in processes and designed a digital tool to help you standardise and optimise your valuation workflows.
Align your people
Coordinate your activities
Streamline your processes
Valuation Tool
Identify the vehicle
Verify the make, model, and type
Capture the condition & damage
Validate the vehicle status & history
Determine the sales path
Benchmark pricing
Determine ownership & equity position
Set over allowance
Communicate the offer
Our Auction Platform is your dealerships' entrance & exit strategy.
We help you manage your dealership's procurement and disposal activities with one platform, enabling fast and seamless transactions.
Create a marketplace for your brand with our white label solution.
Move more metal faster and increase your stock turns.
Develop new revenue streams and maximise wholesale profits.
DealrsOnline Auction Platform
Our Stock Control gives you real-time visibility into your operations.
Stock Control integrates with your DMS, tracking systems, and our valuation software to provide live visibility into stock age, location & movements.
Moreover, it digitises paper-based activities like stock-take, vehicle loans, key and document management, as well as test drives.
Track key and document locations
Enforce vehicle check-in & check-out protocols
Manage fuel allocations and traffic fines
Stock Control
Methodically target ageing stock and maximise profitability within and across dealerships.
Manage your stock at the group level by establishing a common workflow for stock management.
Mitigate your dealership’s risk through unparalleled transparency into who is using what vehicle, when.
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